Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What is your plan today to create & begin your PSA using your storyboard?
.- Today, I am going to figure out what I'm going to do. I will figure out how to actually work with imovie and do a film about my topic; Digital Security. Next time I plan on actually getting to work on the project by putting in all the facts. Later on Valeria and I will film ourselves for the video.
-In Criterion F I give myself a 6. I followed through with everything we were doing  today during class and did the work. I behaved appropriately and asked questions when I did not understand something that was said.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guided Notes

1.Digital Communication is the electronic exchange of information.  (10 point)

2.Who uses Digital Communication? Almost everyone does, from children to elders.

3.Southpark cartoon discusses how on Facebook can really affect your life.   (10 point)
4.How do we use Digital Communication? E-mail, text messaging, instant messaging social media sites (twitter, facebook, etc.),video call.(10 point)
5.What is the potential for misuse? ________. ______, ____, _____, (10 point)
6.Where is the danger for misuse that impacts you daily?_________________. (10pt)

7.What is the expected time you believe is appropriate to change your FB status? (10 point) -

8.What is your opinion about FB manners?______________________________ (10 point)

9. What are the benefits of Digital Communication?________ , ___________, ____________ (10 points)

10.  What is your opinion? Is this proper use of digital communication? (10 point)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PSA Plan Worksheet

  1. What issue/ topic did you choose? Digital Security
  2. Why is this important? This is important because everyone needs to know how to be safe online. 
  3. Who do you want to reach? (target audience) Anyone who uses the internet and all of my classmates
  4. What is the behavior your looking to change? Ignorance to serious matters like behavior towards putting things online.
  5. Why doesn’t the audience already engage in this behavior? MAny do not know what the consequences would be or choose to ignore them.
  6. What emotional appeal can you make? Show the negative consequences and the problems that they cause to someones social and emotional life.
  7. Belonging; Power/Control; Fun: Safety;
  8. Put your audience in a situation/scenario where the issue would come up in their lives. The example i plan to use is the consequences of a girl who posted inappropriate photographs of herself and got, to put in an appropriate manner, "taken advantage of sexually."
  9. Where are they? (setting) school, house, street
  10. Who is there? (characters) Girl, pervert.
  11. What’s’ going on around them? ( ambient sound)
  12. What are they saying? (dialogue)
  13. Who is message brought to you by? ( Station; organization)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Approximately 7.5% of US adults lost money as a result of some sort of financial fraud in 2008, in large part because of data breaches, according to Gartner. Payment card fraud (credit, debit and ATM ...
Imanami commissioned a survey with Osterman Research to understand the issues related to managing groups in Active Directory, and found that 42% of organizations reported unauthorized access to inform...
  • Top concerns regarding cloud computing services

      Activities of cloud computing services you'd be concerned about Very Somewhat Not too Not at all Sold your files to others 90% 5% 2% 3% Used your photos and other informati...

    UK cybercrime up 9% in 2007

    UK cybercrime rose by more than 9% in 2007, according to Garlick. 3.5 mln online crimes were committed in the UK in 2007. There was an 8% drop in online identity theft and sexual offences fell 2%....

    US managed security services market grew 19.6% in 2007

    The US managed security services market was valued at approximately $1.3 bln in 2007, an increase of 19.6% over 2006. This figure is expected to increase to $2.8 bln by 2012, representing a compound a...

    21% of CIOs expect their security budgets to increase

    21% of Forrester survey respondents expect to increase their IT security budgets in 2009, while nearly three-quarters of those surveyed expect no cutbacks in their security spending. Only 6% of respon...

    US online households pay 11 bills a month online

    63.1 mln US households are paying their bills online rather than writing paper checks, according to Fiserv. 13% of respondents cited online security as the top reason for not using the online bill pay...

    74% of all e-mail in Q2 2008 was spam

    In Q2 2008, 74% of all mail received was spam. In Q2 2008, Turkey became the country with most zombie computers (11% of the global total), followed by Brazil (8.4%) and Russia (7.4%). The USA, which i...

    Virtualization growth rising from 46% in 2007 to 54% in 2008

    The pace of adoption of virtualized servers is incredibly rapid among organizations that are using virtualization, with 35% of servers purchased in 2007 being virtualized and 52% of those bought in 20...

    Total spending in network services to reach $9.1 bln in 2012 in Asia

    According to IDC, over 70% of respondents in markets such as Australia, China, and India indicated that solutions pertaining to the network were either important or very important. Total spending in N...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Digital Security

I am working with Valeria ;) on this project. Digital Security is important because it talks about the precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Digital Etiquette

Using proper etiquette is key to understand the rules that are acceptable online.

A person's conduct online tells a lot about the way a person is.

Acting with courtesy shows proper etiquette and conduct.

Being unfortunate yet inevitable, Flames are very hurtful and lead to "Flamewars".

People who purposely cause "Flames" are called trolls and bait others into responding the same way.

Many people like to remain anonymous so they don't get ratted out if they are not using improper etiquette.

Sometimes there is no way to put emotions into words, so people use emoticons to show what facial expression they are making.

Often times when writing online, what you are trying to say is not obvious.

It is harder to show your tone when you are writing/ typing.

The System Management Server helps PCs connect in a Local Area Network.

Being ethical goes hand in hand with proper etiquette and shows good morality.

Starting flamewars shows very unethical behavior.

All the things you post or websites you get on should be legal so you don't get into trouble.

Boolean Search:
When I typed in the word AND into my search, it limited my search.

The URL for every website is very different.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Final Project (EVALUATE)

     Due to the unfortunate fact that my Flipbook project got erased, the final project shown in my prior reflection is a GoAnimate video i made to replace it. I know it's not the same thing, but i overcame the obstacle that was set upon me :). I am still a bit upset about what happened to my Flipbook, but i once again have a project :D


Sunday, October 16, 2011

IA Part Two- Homework

1. How can my learning serve my community?
     There are many ways where the learning of one person can help the community. Sometimes this knowledge can make the difference between doing a  project and doing it right. What I have learned about the design cycle can help my community because I now know how to successfully follow it. Since the design cycle is a process through which a person or a group can create a product, this can come handy when making something the whole community can benefit from.

2. How can your future projects be better?
     Now knowing, and almost having completely mastered, the design cycle it will help me in lots of ways later on. For one, my projects will become easier to complete because I am now able to break them down into parts and analyze what needs to be done step by step. I can figure out the problem, plan some designs, follow these plans to make the product and then be able to evaluate my work.

3.What have you learned about yourself and what you will continue to do or not do and why?
     One thing that i have learned about myself is that if i truly dedicate myself to something then i can finish it. I know that if i do not give something the top priority then it will not be so. I am able to see my weakness in that i procrastinate a lot of the time and need to stop doing so. From the project i made i have learned to trust no network but myself because they are not always reliable. It is true that there are times in which one works better under pressure, but that can lead to too much stress. I will avoid any unnecessary stress caused by thing that are not in my power and that i cannot fix.

4.How do you feel about your final product? What would you rate yourself on the Rubric scale of 1-6 for each part of the Assessment Criterion?
     I am very unsatisfied with my final product. First of all because it is not present and the countless hours i spent making and Re-making it were for nothing. The three times i did this product, it erased and my hard work and efforts seem to have been truly for nothing. Personally, i would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i really did try my best and put in my all in this project. This may seem like i am trying to give myself a higher score than i deserve since my final product cannot be seen, but i followed all the steps and tried my best to post all of the necessary things for the project so everyone could see what i went through.

5.What would you do differently in regards to your planning and execution of your plan?
     IF i could go back and do something differently, i would. Most importantly i would change the site in which i tried to publish my project. I do not ever plan to use Flipbook again for any project at all. If i ever use Flipbook it will be for something fun and without importance. This would mean that i would have to take a completely different direction in what i was doing from the start. I would have to investigate different websites for the information i would need and then do the designs based on one of the new websites. I would then follow with the create and evaluate stage. IF i could do anything so that my product could have been seen, i think i would at least try, but after three failiers i was at the due date and found myself in distress because there was nothing i could do at that point.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quiz Questions/ Survey

Students (6th Graders) are going to take the test before and after they see the Flipbook I created to show if any progress was made.
The following questions will be on the quiz:

  1. How many steps are there in the design cycle?
  2. What are the steps of the design cycle in order?
  3. How many  designs need to be made during the plan part of a project?
  4. What is done in the second step of the design cycle? Include the name of the design cycle step.
  5. Which of the design cycle steps makes you reflect on the work you did?
The next questions are only going to be on the second quiz along with the ones above:
  1. Did you learn anything from the Flipbook you just finished seeing?
  2. Was there anything that you would have liked to be different?
  3. What was an upside of the product?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reflection/ EVALUATE

     This is my final project which caused me multiple headaches. Unfortunately, while rendering the product, it just disappeared. This has served for future reference.  I now know that i will not use Flipbook again because I created this project THREE times and THOSE THREE TIMES my product was gone. In total I think I had created several hundred frames,none of which can be seen. None of my hard work and dedication can now be seen by others because it is no longer there.
     Before creating my actual project i had made a "nonsense" sample that was just colors and published it to see if it worked. It did, so i decided that i would be capable of doing my actual product on Flipbook. When the time came to publish the product though, it all got deleted.
     I would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i actually did my work and it is not my fault that the computer wasn't able to successfully save my project. I tried my best to show good 'sportsmanship' on the situation and know i did all that i could to try and make the project possible.

Monday, October 10, 2011

CREATE-New Design

     I decided to use the third design sample, but a little differently. Instead of making it look COMPLETELY professional though, i decided to add some color so the students watching it aren't bored out of their minds by yet another uninteresting video.
      For today i would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i have been doing my work, creating the project and giving everything my best effort while maintaining the best attitude possible.

CREATE- Reflecting on my creation
19.  Did I follow my Plan ?
     I followed my new plan in order to create the product.
20.  How could I have improved on my creation?
     I could have improved my creation by doing it with more time.
21.  What will I do next time that I did not do this time?
     Next time I will make more copies of the same Flipbook slide so everyone is able to understand it better and it is slow enough for them.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time Managing-PLAN

    The total amount of time I still need to complete my project is of about 300 minutes, or five hours. The following shows how i plan to spend my time in order to get everything finished by the day that it should be presented, October 11.
  • Day 1: 60 minutes- chose design, brainstorm characters, sketch product.
  • Day 2: 60 minutes- begin to create product.
  • Day 3: 60 minutes- finish creating product.
  • Day 4: 40 minutes- brainstorm test questions and create test. 
  • Day 5: 60 minutes- gather 6th graders, test them, allow them to see product, and test them once again.
  • Day 6: 20 minutes- grade tests, evaluate product based on test results.
I plan to do these in class, but if they are not finishsed as i thought they would be, i will work at home for an unprecidented amount of time.

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Time Chart- PLAN

    Task name  Time in minutes
    Task 1 Chose design 15
    Task 2 Brainstorm Characters 10
    Task 3 Sketch Product 30
    Task 4 Create Product 120
    Task 5
    Brainstorm Test ?s 30
    Task 6 Create Test 10
    Task 7 Gather 6th G 15
    Task 8 Test the 6th G 10
    Task 9  6th G see Pro. 20
    Task 10    Test the 6th G 10
    Task 11 Grade Tests 10
    Task 12 Evaluate Pro. 10


    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Design Brief

        Design Brief

    10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it. I am going to make  a Flipbook in order to explain the design cycle to sixth graders.

    Formulate a Design Specification

    11. What are the requirements for this assignment? The requirements for this assignment are to make it simple enough for sixth graders to understand, yet still up to ninth grade level work.

    12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment? The limitations that apply are that, that there is a time limit by when all of this has to be done.

    13. How will you "test" your projectI will test my project by using my sixth grade sister as a "guinie pig" sort of way. I will test to see if she understands what she is doing and how. I will also note whether or not she learned anything from it.

    Design Specification
    • Sixth graders are able to understand it
    • It is direct, gets to the point
    • Made in Flipbook website
    • Sixth graders are able to follow easily
    • Sixth graders learn from it
    Test      In order to see how I have done in my projct, I will create a ten question test for the sixth graders. It will be kind of like a survey so they can tell me if they learned anything and asking their opinion on how I could have made it better for them to learn.

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    Design Samples

         For the first design, I was thinking of maybe creating different Flipbooks for each step and explaining each one on its own. This way the student can concentrate on one step at a time.

         The second design will consist of one continuous video on Flipbook going through each step. This one will have a character, created by me, that will act like a guide and show them what the design cycle is made up of.

         As a final design I was thinking of just keeping it a bit more professional and just explain the design cycle in terms the sixth graders would understand.

    Investigation Reflection

          For my investigation, I rate myself a 5-6 (95-100). The reason for giving myself this grade is that I followed the specifications that are on the rubric. The problem is explained and discussed. I thoroughly  investigated the problem and evaluated the information I found. I used my resources appropriately and acknowledge the sources I used. I also think I wrote enough information; I tried to explain myself as best I could so others could follow what I had done. Inclusively, I describe the methods I used. 

    Monday, September 19, 2011



          Just like ComicMaster, I rated Flipbook using four different categories. In simplicity, Flipbook earned itself the full five points out of five. The actual creating of a Flipbook is so easy it can take less than five minutes to make just a simple one. Another thing that helped it earn its points, was that it goes from one still frame to the next giving it a movie-like look that is almost effortless. It is so simple that I'm sure pretty much anyone can go to the website, click "make", and create their own Flipbook. There is no way it is beyond someones understanding of how to make one. I am confident enough to say that this tool may be fool-proof.
         The next category it was rated on was color. Once again Flipbook recieves a five out of five rating. Even though the only thing that is actually provided for you is the colors, there is a large aray of them to choose from. These colors are all bright and vibrant for the most part, but like everyhting else in life, there are a few exceptions. The thing I like most about this is that you actually get the choice of what colors you want to use, when you want to use them, and where you want to use them.
         After rating the color, we rate the characters. I rated this a two out of five. I gave that rating for one main reason, the characters were not provided by the Flipbook tool. Unlikes ComicMaster, you are not given a set of characters to choose from. This has both its pros and cons. The downside to this is that you have to use some of your time to think of what characters you are actually going to create. On the other hand though, this is a good thing because you can really let your creativity be shown through the creation of your Flipbook.
         The final category is backgrounds. In this occassion, Flipbook  received  two points out of the five possible. The reason for this is that you have to decide where in the world or universe your story/comic/movie is going to take place. In many situations this is a cause for time ticking away and you not getting your work done because you're still thinking of a setting. It's kind of bittersweet because it is a good thing as well as a bad one. The good thing IS that it can take place WHEREVER you wish for it to take place, while the downside is you actually have to draaw it yourself. You will have to rely on your creativity a lot more. As a total, Flipnook recieved a rating of fourteen out of the twenty possible points.


         I rated ComicMaster in four distinctive categories. In simplicity, I rated it a three out of five. This is because, all things considered, it wasn't the easiest thing to do. Though, most of the things are provided for you in the website, earning it more points than it would initially. One of the things I checked for was how hard it may be for someone else to put everything together. In my opinion the hardest part would actually be having to figure out exactly what I would need to write in the comic. Also, this tool was rated by what I thought was how intresting or eye-catching it would be to others.
         The next category was color. In this section I gave a rating of five out of five. The reason it got the highest rating possible is because everything used was already colored in. This would be helpful so to not waste time trying to color in things like the background or characters. The color of all the things is very bright and appropriate. There are no bland scenes with no color. The only problem that I have with that, is that I wouldn't even be able to choose what colors I would want things to be.
         Characters is the third part in rating this tool called ComicMaster. I rated it a two out of five. This is because there are already set characters you can use. Thanks to the provided characters, you won't need to sit around trying to figure out what characters you're going to draw, or what they're going to look like, and so on and so forth. This helps you save lots of time as well as making it look more professional than stick figures. The downside to this would be that you would have a limited range of characters and their facial expressions as well as deciding what they look like. For me, that is kind of a big limitation because I wouldn't want to make something with characters I don't really like.
         The final category is backgrounds. I gave this a rating of three out of five. Just like the characters, in ComicMaster the backgrounds are provided. There is a few choices of backgrounds you can make if you are doing a comic strip using this tool. Because of this you won't waste time deciding where your comic is taking place. Like the characters though, your choices become very limited and you are stuck with the couple of backgrounds that are given to you as choices. As a total, ComicMaster received thirteen of the twenty possible points.

    Sunday, September 18, 2011

    Investigation Reflection

          I decided I would do animation for my project. I went to Mrs. Hinojosa's blog and found two promising websites. The first one was ComicMaster which has many cool features to it. You are able to create the comic with the background as well as the characters provided. The second one was Flipbook. This lets you create your own figures in still frames and then plays them.
            I am still not sure which one i might use, but they both seem very interesting. They are both sites that anyone can seem to use. The issue now is which one can best help me explain the design cycle to a sixth grader.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    Investigate Brief

    Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
    Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
    Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
    INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
    1. What is the problem you need to solve? Explain to a 6th grader what the design cycle is all about by creating a presentation. (3d, PPT, movie, game, poster)
    2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world? In the real world, it can help us solve situations as well as creating anything we need.
    3. How will this project serve my community? This will help the 6th graders understand the design cycle.
    4. How can my learning help my community? My community will be benefitted because the knowledge I know, will be shared.
    5. How do we live in relation to each other? Here at idea public schools, we have elementary, middle school, and high school on one campus.
    6. How does this help others? We as high school students can be seen as examples or role models for the younger kids.
    7. What are the requirements for this assignment? We are required to follow the steps of the design cycle.
    8. What is the Design Cycle? The design cycle is the group of steps we use to create something.
    REFLECT on your learning.
    Day 2
    9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle.