Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Digital Etiquette

Using proper etiquette is key to understand the rules that are acceptable online.

A person's conduct online tells a lot about the way a person is.

Acting with courtesy shows proper etiquette and conduct.

Being unfortunate yet inevitable, Flames are very hurtful and lead to "Flamewars".

People who purposely cause "Flames" are called trolls and bait others into responding the same way.

Many people like to remain anonymous so they don't get ratted out if they are not using improper etiquette.

Sometimes there is no way to put emotions into words, so people use emoticons to show what facial expression they are making.

Often times when writing online, what you are trying to say is not obvious.

It is harder to show your tone when you are writing/ typing.

The System Management Server helps PCs connect in a Local Area Network.

Being ethical goes hand in hand with proper etiquette and shows good morality.

Starting flamewars shows very unethical behavior.

All the things you post or websites you get on should be legal so you don't get into trouble.

Boolean Search:
When I typed in the word AND into my search, it limited my search.

The URL for every website is very different.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Final Project (EVALUATE)

     Due to the unfortunate fact that my Flipbook project got erased, the final project shown in my prior reflection is a GoAnimate video i made to replace it. I know it's not the same thing, but i overcame the obstacle that was set upon me :). I am still a bit upset about what happened to my Flipbook, but i once again have a project :D


Sunday, October 16, 2011

IA Part Two- Homework

1. How can my learning serve my community?
     There are many ways where the learning of one person can help the community. Sometimes this knowledge can make the difference between doing a  project and doing it right. What I have learned about the design cycle can help my community because I now know how to successfully follow it. Since the design cycle is a process through which a person or a group can create a product, this can come handy when making something the whole community can benefit from.

2. How can your future projects be better?
     Now knowing, and almost having completely mastered, the design cycle it will help me in lots of ways later on. For one, my projects will become easier to complete because I am now able to break them down into parts and analyze what needs to be done step by step. I can figure out the problem, plan some designs, follow these plans to make the product and then be able to evaluate my work.

3.What have you learned about yourself and what you will continue to do or not do and why?
     One thing that i have learned about myself is that if i truly dedicate myself to something then i can finish it. I know that if i do not give something the top priority then it will not be so. I am able to see my weakness in that i procrastinate a lot of the time and need to stop doing so. From the project i made i have learned to trust no network but myself because they are not always reliable. It is true that there are times in which one works better under pressure, but that can lead to too much stress. I will avoid any unnecessary stress caused by thing that are not in my power and that i cannot fix.

4.How do you feel about your final product? What would you rate yourself on the Rubric scale of 1-6 for each part of the Assessment Criterion?
     I am very unsatisfied with my final product. First of all because it is not present and the countless hours i spent making and Re-making it were for nothing. The three times i did this product, it erased and my hard work and efforts seem to have been truly for nothing. Personally, i would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i really did try my best and put in my all in this project. This may seem like i am trying to give myself a higher score than i deserve since my final product cannot be seen, but i followed all the steps and tried my best to post all of the necessary things for the project so everyone could see what i went through.

5.What would you do differently in regards to your planning and execution of your plan?
     IF i could go back and do something differently, i would. Most importantly i would change the site in which i tried to publish my project. I do not ever plan to use Flipbook again for any project at all. If i ever use Flipbook it will be for something fun and without importance. This would mean that i would have to take a completely different direction in what i was doing from the start. I would have to investigate different websites for the information i would need and then do the designs based on one of the new websites. I would then follow with the create and evaluate stage. IF i could do anything so that my product could have been seen, i think i would at least try, but after three failiers i was at the due date and found myself in distress because there was nothing i could do at that point.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quiz Questions/ Survey

Students (6th Graders) are going to take the test before and after they see the Flipbook I created to show if any progress was made.
The following questions will be on the quiz:

  1. How many steps are there in the design cycle?
  2. What are the steps of the design cycle in order?
  3. How many  designs need to be made during the plan part of a project?
  4. What is done in the second step of the design cycle? Include the name of the design cycle step.
  5. Which of the design cycle steps makes you reflect on the work you did?
The next questions are only going to be on the second quiz along with the ones above:
  1. Did you learn anything from the Flipbook you just finished seeing?
  2. Was there anything that you would have liked to be different?
  3. What was an upside of the product?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reflection/ EVALUATE

     This is my final project which caused me multiple headaches. Unfortunately, while rendering the product, it just disappeared. This has served for future reference.  I now know that i will not use Flipbook again because I created this project THREE times and THOSE THREE TIMES my product was gone. In total I think I had created several hundred frames,none of which can be seen. None of my hard work and dedication can now be seen by others because it is no longer there.
     Before creating my actual project i had made a "nonsense" sample that was just colors and published it to see if it worked. It did, so i decided that i would be capable of doing my actual product on Flipbook. When the time came to publish the product though, it all got deleted.
     I would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i actually did my work and it is not my fault that the computer wasn't able to successfully save my project. I tried my best to show good 'sportsmanship' on the situation and know i did all that i could to try and make the project possible.

Monday, October 10, 2011

CREATE-New Design

     I decided to use the third design sample, but a little differently. Instead of making it look COMPLETELY professional though, i decided to add some color so the students watching it aren't bored out of their minds by yet another uninteresting video.
      For today i would rate myself in the 5-6 category because i have been doing my work, creating the project and giving everything my best effort while maintaining the best attitude possible.

CREATE- Reflecting on my creation
19.  Did I follow my Plan ?
     I followed my new plan in order to create the product.
20.  How could I have improved on my creation?
     I could have improved my creation by doing it with more time.
21.  What will I do next time that I did not do this time?
     Next time I will make more copies of the same Flipbook slide so everyone is able to understand it better and it is slow enough for them.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time Managing-PLAN

    The total amount of time I still need to complete my project is of about 300 minutes, or five hours. The following shows how i plan to spend my time in order to get everything finished by the day that it should be presented, October 11.
  • Day 1: 60 minutes- chose design, brainstorm characters, sketch product.
  • Day 2: 60 minutes- begin to create product.
  • Day 3: 60 minutes- finish creating product.
  • Day 4: 40 minutes- brainstorm test questions and create test. 
  • Day 5: 60 minutes- gather 6th graders, test them, allow them to see product, and test them once again.
  • Day 6: 20 minutes- grade tests, evaluate product based on test results.
I plan to do these in class, but if they are not finishsed as i thought they would be, i will work at home for an unprecidented amount of time.